Elusive information not only frustrates one but can be equally dangerous to readers and your readers and your credibility. Generic information can be released by anyone who probably stumbled on them on the internet but that doesn’t make one an expert. Also releasing information or content that is already saturating the market can end up achieving the opposite of what was desired, and that perception of ignorance my dear, will not only make you appear uninformed but is also a perpetual waste of time and money.
Let’s consider this, an expert is someone who possesses extraordinary information on a field or is said to have authoritative knowledge in their niche. This knowledge is garnered over period of intense experience or prolonged research which goes to say that if you an expert in a field so to say, and you lack authoritative knowledge on a particular topic or you are on the back foot when it comes to trends in your area of expertise, all you are required to do is to develop a continuous process of learning so that you can gain firsthand experience required to acquire such knowledge.
Don’t get me wrong, by continuous learning I don’t mean returning to the classroom or taking up a course, it simply implies that you develop reflection and inquiry skills that are needed for critical thinking. It also means reforming your occupational and professional life into your own field of experiment and innovation which of course is the ultimate cure for ignorance.
What are the ways of acquiring knowledge on your own?
Be receptive by insatiably consuming information.
Choose a topic daily and wholly engross yourself into that topic. Conduct in-depth research on that area of study which entails consulting those who are authorities in that field, conduct experiment based on your findings and relate your results with people of like mind; a ton of information and knowledge is garnered while connecting with right people.
Ensure you keep the body and mind together
The ability to process and retain information is enhanced by good condition of the mind and body. You should have enough water intake, enough rest or sleep time to relax the brain, exercise to revitalize the brain and of course eat healthy foods. These practices keep the brain in optimal condition and enhance knowledge acquisition.
Do not multitask

Carrying out so many tasks simultaneously can actually make you less effective in all the tasks. According to research, you achieve more when you focus on a task. This helps in reducing the distraction and teaches better time management.
Improve on your reading speed
A high reading speed helps take in a lot of relevant information within a short time, deciphering the fact from irrelevant information and laying hold of knowledge in a multitude of mixed information.
Get visual by mapping out a topic
Develop an information pyramid that builds up from the rudiments to most complex points. Consider also wider applications of your topic by analyzing the Why, Where, and When it is relevant or important while relating it to who and how it applies to your area of expertise.
Relate new topics to your already existing knowledge.
Try connecting the new topics to those ones already in your knowledge bank and find out how this new information fits into your previous knowledge. Does it change the knowledge you had entirely? Does improve or negate your belief? Is it actually a game changer?
Probe yourself
Scrutinize yourself and challenge your bank of knowledge, ask yourself questions outside your area of expertise. Definitely there should be ones you can’t answer, write them down and conduct extensive research on each one of them.
Always Read, Listen and Observe
Employ all sensory organ involved in learning and increase the ways by which your garner knowledge which entails a multimedia approach that touches on both visual and auditory learning. Listen to lectures consume plenty articles, watch a lot videos and engage in any exercise that gives information.
Relate with the Authorities
I mentioned earlier that you maintain contact with the professionals engaging them in objective discussions instead of keeping them passive in your network. They sharpen whatever knowledge you have in their field with their wealth of experience which invariably grows your own bank of knowledge. Before long you too become an authority.
Allow your interests and passions to cross pollinate.
This will not only lend motivation, it will help you approach a topic with a new and more meaningful perspective. Your interests and passions create a whole new aura around the topic and eventually gives you a refined enthusiasm for the research process.
Forget your computer
Writing on a notebook has been shown to stimulate ideas and enhances brainstorming processes, so you should keep the computer aside as it might slow down the discovery process. Also, the notebook is handy to record thoughts or ideas that spring up suddenly.
Which are the recommended training courses for writing skills?
Scrutinize the source
When sourcing information you should be careful to consider the source of information and the providers motive for giving out such information, examine with these:
Who is the provider of the information (does it have a credible author who is experienced in that field of study)?
Why are they giving out the information (what is the reason for releasing such information, is it impartial or egocentric)?
Did they give enough evidence to authenticate their claim or is the knowledge based on biased generalizations?
Can their logic be faulted?
Did they deliberately leave out major information to turn the whole knowledge in their favor and manipulate your understanding of the topic?
Improve your accessibility to all manner of relevant information and ideas by practicing these nuggets. Abstain from irrelevant and banal information which appears more vague than real to avoid the poor impressions this irrelevant information has on readers, including you.