Located along the right side of the Tagus estuary, Lisbon has its special attractions and stands proudly at the side of the Atlantic Ocean. We write this post after getting impressed with the enthusiasm of training participants from human resources management course in Lisbon. Lisbon was the muse that inspired the great maritime discoveries. The city, probably founded by Phoenicians, had been built during a millennium colorful history and is waiting to be further discovered by visitors. One of the few parts of Europe, Lisbon witnessed Muslim domination, a Christian conquest, along with a golden time of discoveries. It resisted a destruction by an earthquake which was followed by an enlightened reconstruction process and ongoing renewal.

Lisbon is divided into several districts:

  • Alfama district, famous for fado, the typical Portuguese music style in restaurants and the streets as well.
  • Bairro Alto, the center of nightlife, with numerous bars and pubs.
  • Belém – historical and cultural heritage sites
  • Chiado district, with museums and theatres
  • Estrela Basilica.

The city hosts many museums, festivals, and fairs. It is a European capital and a popular tourist attraction. It is the political center of Portugal, as the seat of Government and residence of the Head of State are located here, so many internationals and business people contribute to the multicultural atmosphere of the city.

professional development and short courses in lisbon

Lisbon has its various distinct and colorful quarters. You can challenge yourself by discovering Lisbon on feet or taking the city tram that is one of the classic transport service providers in the region.

Lisbon is part of Europe and general EU knowledge can help you access it easily. Many nationalities will be granted a visa on arrival and some will require a pre-application. Lisbon is easily accessible by air and train from all major European cities, and there are interesting low-budget connections from several of them. The international airport is only 20 minutes from downtown.

Winter gets rainy and cold and if you want to get the most out of your visit, you should try it around the spring or preferably later. In the months of December and January, there are fewer visitors. However, some visitors from Northern Europe enjoy the mild climate of Lisbon in January. Fewer tourists make it easier to enjoy a more personal experience.

Late January can still give you plenty of bright Lisbon days to enjoy. Rain is very likely but if you are fun of indoor roaming, there are many museums and historical buildings that you can visit. The city proudly owns the largest indoor aquarium in Europe. When the sun is shining on you and the city, you can still sit outside wearing a summer coat and enjoy the bright day. The castles of Sintra are worth it even in winter, although the Quinta da Regaleira gardens are much better when there are leaves on the trees.

Spring is an excellent time to visit Lisbon compared to any other time in the year. The city has its most beautiful look from April and May. The Jacaranda trees blossom and give many parts of the city a purple look. Outdoor activities start at this time with most visitors from across the globe.

June comes with many festivities in Lisbon. From street music to vendors selling grilled sardines and St. Anthony’s day (early June) all are June special events in Lisbon.

Lisbon beaches are the most attraction in summer. A mix of fairly hot summer temperature (reaching up to 35°C) and cold Atlantic water will be an unforgettable memory.

In autumn you can have pleasant days in Lisbon until October and even November. Just a summer coat/Tshirt will do well. The city is very colorful at this time. You can also enjoy less crowd in autumn.

Accord Worldwide Courses In Lisbon: 

Accordemy courses are mostly conducted in GoldenHub which is a business center with 9 private offices, 1 coworking hall, 1 meeting room with 8 people capacity. It offers a meeting room central and with facilitated accesses by Marquês de Pombal metro (blue / yellow line) or by buses from carris, with all the facilities for the training workshop (whiteboard, projection on Plasma TV via cable and Apple TV, coffee breaks and service).

Our recent training in Lisbon (Advanced Human Resource Management):

was an eye-opener to the participants. Training is a learning activity aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills necessary to successfully perform particular job or task. This includes changes in specific areas of knowledge, abilities, skills, behavior and even attitudes in order to prepare for better job performance. The city and its attractions play a key role in motivating trainees in a refreshed mode and a brilliantly inspiring environment. In so, it followed the learning objectives of:  Improving knowledge about Human Resource Management, identifying joint themes within HRM and identifying steps in the process of HRM, drafting a detailed resource plan and aligning it with the business plan, building capacities of the training participants for HRM, and encouraging participants regarding teamwork and mutual problem solving.

Participants of training actively attended the training course with curiosity and actively participated in the work. Overall, the response from participants was positive. After the completion of modules/workshop, the participants were asked to assess the overall performance and the extent to which the training objectives were met. The learning event was well received by participants who rated the experience as good. The main objection is related to some logistic flaws regarding the communication of the starting times for the first session and also the coffee break, in their opinion, below standard. Nevertheless, comments were positive, indicating that the participants appreciated the learning opportunity. Participants’ reactions to most of the presented themes were enthusiastic, they were motivated and creative. Generally speaking, it can be concluded that the envisaged objectives have been achieved

Training Methodologies Used:

The training approach is based on principles of adult learning with a focus on peer review during all the steps of conducting a training/learning event. The course models a variety of effective training methodologies, including demonstration, practice, discussion, brainstorming, case studies, and presentation. The process of delivery of training included plenary sessions, discussions and review. Taking into account all relevant and available information about the training subject, themes, and participants, the trainer decided to use the following methodology:

  • Teamwork in which the participants provided with the opportunity to discuss their work experience and problems related to the particular domain of work;
  • Interactivity for participants familiar with the chosen themes;
  • Practical examples: considering the fact that the trainees were experienced and y acquainted with the training themes, one of the most desirable ways to clear some uncertainties among participants was drawing attention to the previous real-life situations.
  • Practical work: Practicing on the flip chart, writing and joint solution presenting was assigned to the participants in order to develop their preparation, communication and presentation skills.
  • Transfer of knowledge and previous experiences through discussions: sharing of experience was included for better understanding of problems.

Why and how this course helped trainees in their job:

It was worthwhile for the participants to attend this course as the Human Resource management is responsible for many people related issues under the following roles:

  • The process of recruiting suitable candidates for the organization
  • Identifying and meeting the training needs of existing staff
  • Ensuring employee welfare and employee relations are positive
  • Ensure the working environment is safe for employees
  • Raising awareness of current workplace legislation

Moreover, the Human Resources Department also covers five key roles:

  • Executive role – in this role the HR department are viewed as the specialists in the areas that encompass Human Resources or people management;
  • Audit role – in this capacity the HR department will check other departments and the organization as a whole to ensure all HR policies such as Health & Safety, Training, Staff Appraisal etc are being carried out in accordance with the company’s HR policy;
  • Facilitator role – in this role, the HR department help or facilitate other departments to achieve the goals or standards as laid out in the HR policies of the organization. This will involve training being delivered for issues that arise in the areas relating to people management;
  • Consultancy role – the HR department will advise managers on how to tackle specific managing people issues professionally;
  • Service role – in this capacity the HR department is an information provider to raise awareness and inform departments and functional areas of changes in policy.

Some Final Tips:


For international calls to Lisbon, dial the international code +351 and the correspondent’s number (without the 0).

Credit cards / Cash machines:

All major credit cards are accepted widely, but not everywhere. If in doubt, ask in advance. Cash-on-card services are available from selected American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and VisaCard addresses. These cards are also accepted by all GWK currency exchange outlets and Change Express Offices.


The local currency is the Euro (€).

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