Accord Worldwide held this Vision Building Training in Dubai, among participants from different backgrounds. The training accentuated that an absolute, mutual vision is the primary attribute of a successful working team. A vision should be initiated and refined by the team’s leader and distributed among its participants. A team without a vision distracts easily and experiences slow performance, followed by little to no results.

A team is successful as long as it follows  its vision

Benefits from the Vision Building Training

The reasons why vision building is important are furthermore explained in the training’s curriculum. Moreover, the participants get to know:

  • Why is team vision indeed necessary?
  • What are the principles of setting a practical vision?
  • What factors will eventually influence the vision?
  • Which tools do we use to integrate personal and corporate visions?
  • All the potential obstacles when facing changes;
  • What does it take to be a motivational leader?
  • Monitoring and evaluation methods.

Day One

  • To begin with, on the first day, the participants learned what truly means to have a vision.

The word ‘vision’ refers to one or more guiding principles for a concept, design, or a forward strategy. Undoubtedly, defining a vision can help a team form decisions and strategies. The vision describes the future desired ‘state’ or ‘achievement’. On the other hand, strategies then describe the steps that are to be taken in that direction.

  • How big of a vision is big enough in practice?

Before you determine the vision, you have to know what kind of vision you are aiming for. A vision should be realistic and its purpose should be to create better results. The leader must first develop a mental image of a desirable future state of the organization. This image or a vision may be as vague as a dream or as precise as a goal or mission statement. A vision articulates a view of a realistic, attractive future for the organization, better in many important ways.

  • Discover the actual vision you desire!

We can say that a vision is one’s fantasy – a distant, long-term dream. However, it’s the understanding and inspiration that make a vision successful. The vision should be clear, specific, shared, and believed by the whole organization.

  • What determines an achievable vision?

An achievable vision is clearly stated and realistic. Therefore, to achieve that, the vision should:

  • Contain enough graphic material ( contain a picture of the future steps and final goal);
  • Give out precise directions to all the team members and their focuses;
  • Be flexible to further inevitable change;
  • Above all, it should be desirable to every team member;
Participants of the Vision Building Trainings held in Dubai
Accord Worldwide Vision Building Training participants

Day Two

On the next day, the participants learned about more benefits from setting a vision.

  • Values and their importance in setting a vision;
  • Making team consensus in creating visions;
  • Shared values = shared vision;
  • Communication is key in the process of determining a vision;
  • Live through the vision and imagine the progress it will bring;

Day Three of the Vision Building Training

On the last day of the training, the participants learned about:

  • How to manage resistance to change?

A vision statement is used to point out an understanding of why the organization exists and what are its goals. However, the vision must be shared and believed by the members of the organization. If not, it will be counterproductive and maybe result in resistance among employees. The vision should include all the benefits and merits it will bring to all team members.

  • Also, constantly monitoring the progress is of great importance;
  • Furthermore, prepare for a possible crisis that may cause vision alterations.
    Above all, the vision itself should be a constant reminder that the end goal is bigger than the everyday. This message is an important one to hold on to, especially on the most difficult days.
  • Commit truly to the vision;
  • Practice active listening and giving everyday feedback;

At the end of the course, the participants receive:

  • A certificate of course completion issued by Accord Worldwide;
  • Free lifetime access to the online course materials;
  • Free lifetime access in the related discussion groups;
  • Discount fee for enrolling courses in the future;

As one of the participants said, this course was an eye-opener and provided a truly life-changing lesson. Every organization and every team should know why setting a vision is so important and beneficial.

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