
This article is about the learning journey of two participants in Accordemy® training program on “Periodic Maintenance of Machinery and Equipment”. Recently, two staff members from the ICRC, Mr. Ahmad Ibrahim and Mr. Zakaria, were part of a group that attended the aforementioned training. This four-day training program was designed to build the capacity of participants in setting regular maintenance plans, periodic and ad-hoc spare part replacement, and environmental aspects of maintenance of equipment and machinery.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an independent, neutral organization that works to protect and assist people affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence. The ICRC has a long history of providing humanitarian aid and assistance to those in need, and it is committed to upholding the principles of international humanitarian law.

The Role of Machinery in Business

Machinery plays an important role in any business or organization. It is essential for production processes, as well as for providing services to customers or clients. In order for businesses to remain competitive in today’s market, they must ensure that their machinery is properly maintained so that it can continue to operate at peak efficiency. This requires a comprehensive understanding of the types of equipment used by a business, as well as knowledge about how to set up a periodic schedule for maintenance activities.

At the Accordemy® training program on “Periodic Maintenance of Machinery and Equipment”, Mr. Ahmad Ibrahim and Mr. Zakaria learned about the different types of machinery used in businesses today, such as industrial machines, agricultural machines, construction machines, medical equipment, etc., as well as how to set up a regular maintenance plan for each type of machine or equipment. They also learned about purchasing and receiving new equipment; manufacturer instructions; inventory profiling; operation training; data management; plant design; value-adding activities during regular service; stockpiling spare parts; safety management during maintenance activities; KPIs (Key Performance Indicators); emergency outage management; regular shutdown management; fault identification; learning from regular operations; and environmental impacts associated with machinery use.

Setting Up a Periodic Schedule & Ad Hoc Maintenance System

One key component that Mr. Ahmad Ibrahim and Mr. Zakaria learned about at the Accordemy® training program was setting up a periodic schedule for maintenance activities on all types of machinery used by their organization or business. This involves creating a plan that outlines when each piece of equipment should be serviced or inspected so that it can continue operating at peak efficiency without any unexpected breakdowns or malfunctions due to lack of proper care or attention. Additionally, they also learned about setting up an ad hoc system for dealing with unexpected repairs or replacements that may be needed due to wear-and-tear over time or other unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters or accidents involving machinery onsite.

Inventory Profiling & Operation Training

In addition to learning about setting up a periodic schedule for maintenance activities on all types of machinery used by their organization or business, Mr. Ahmad Ibrahim and Mr. Zakaria also learned about inventory profiling – which involves keeping track of all parts associated with each piece of equipment – as well as operation training – which involves teaching personnel how to properly use each piece of machinery safely. Safe use of machinery will help the personnel prevent causing any harm or damage either to themselves or others around them while using it correctly. The training highlighted that proper use of machinery requires compliance to manufacturer instructions provided with each machine/equipment.

Software Use in Equipment Management

Another important component discussed at the Accordemy® training program was the use of software in equipment management – which involves using computer programs designed specifically for tracking inventory levels associated with each piece of machinery/equipment owned by an organization/business so that personnel can easily identify when parts need replacing due to wear and tear over time before any major malfunctions occur due to a lack of proper care/attention given these pieces of machinery or equipment owned by their organization/business. Additionally, this type of software can also help personnel identify potential problems before they become major issues, thus saving both time and money when it comes to maintaining these pieces of machinery/equipment owned by their organization/business.

Plant Design & Value-Adding Activities During Regular Service

At the Accordemy® training program, Mr Ahmad Ibrahim and Mr Zakaria also learned about plant design, which involves designing plants so that they are able to maximize efficiency while minimizing costs associated with running them. Additionally, they also discussed value-adding activities during regular service, which involve performing tasks such as cleaning, lubricating, inspecting, testing, etc. on all pieces of machinery/equipment owned by an organization or business to ensure they are running optimally without any unexpected breakdowns due to a lack of proper care and attention given them.

Stockpiling Spare Parts & Safety Management During Maintenance Activities

Another important component discussed at the Accordemy® training program was stockpiling spare parts – which involves keeping track of all necessary parts associated with each piece of machinery/equipment owned by an organization/business to ensure there are no delays when repairs and replacements need to be made due to wear-and-tear over time or other unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters or accidents involving these pieces of machinery/equipment owned by their organization/business. Additionally, safety management during maintenance activities was also discussed – which involves teaching personnel how to properly perform tasks such as cleaning, lubricating, inspecting, testing, etc . without causing harm to themselves or others while doing so correctly according to manufacturer instructions provided with each machine/equipment purchased by their organization/business.

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) & Emergency Outage Management

At the Accordemy® training program, Mr Ahmad Ibrahim & Mr Zakaria also learned about KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) – which involve measuring the performance of certain tasks in order to determine if goals and objectives are being met efficiently and effectively without any unexpected delays due to a lack of proper care and attention given these tasks as they are performed. Additionally, emergency outage management was discussed – which involves having contingency plans in place in order to deal with unexpected outages caused by either natural disasters or accidents involving these pieces of machinery/equipment owned by their organization/business in order to minimize downtime losses incurred due to these outages occurring unexpectedly.

Regular Shutdown Management & Machinery Performance Fault Identification

Finally, regular shutdown management and fault identification were two components discussed at the Accordemy® training program attended by Mr Ahmad Ibrahim & Mr Zakaria . Regular shutdown management involves having procedures place orders to shut down certain pieces of machinery/equipment owned by an organization/business regularly in order to maintain optimal performance levels without any unexpected breakdowns occurring due to a lack of proper care attention given these pieces of machinery/equipment owned by their organization/business. Additionally, fault identification involves identifying potential problems before they become major issues, thus saving both time and money when it comes to maintaining these pieces of machinery/equipment owned by their organizations/businesses.

Learning From Regular Operations & Environmental Impacts Associated With Machinery Use

Lastly, learning from regular operations environmental impacts associated with using certain types of machines / equipment were two components discussed at this four-day long Accordemy ® Training Program attended by both staff members from ICRC namely;Mr Ahmad Ibrahim &Mr Zakaria respectively Learning from regular operations involves analyzing data collected from past operations in order to identify areas for improvement, thus helping personnel make better decisions for future operations based on this collected data from past operations. Environmental impacts associated with using certain types of machines/equipment involve understanding potential risks posed environment due to emissions released while operating certain types of machines/equipment thus helping personnel take necessary steps to mitigate and reduce the impact of environment-caused emissions released while operating certain types of machines/equipment respectively


In conclusion, attending this four-day long Accordemy ® Training Program helped both staff members from ICRC namely;Mr Ahmad Ibrahim &Mr Zakaria gain a comprehensive understanding of different types of machines/equipment used in businesses today. It also helped them learn to set up periodic schedules and ad hoc systems for dealing with unexpected repairs and replacements needed due to wear and tear over time other unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters and accidents involving these pieces of machines and equipments.

Furthermore attending this four-day long accordemy ® Training Program helped both staff members gain knowledge in purchasing and receiving new equipment from manufacturers. The program included instructions on inventory profiling; operation training; data management; plant design; value-adding activities during regular service; stockpiling spare parts; safety-first management during maintenance; KPIs (key performance indicators). Other topics included emergency outage management; regular shutdown management; fault identification; learning from regular operations; environmental impacts associated with using certain types of machine and equipment.

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